The Long Haul
FINALLY!! I'm almost to the end. The end of the semester, how sweet it is. Compounded with a cold from hell you'd think I'd be pretty miserable, or at least broken and defeated. Fortunately, this isn't the case. I went to the beach this weekend and on Sunday I proposed to my (insert vomit inducing sweety sweet nickname here) Aimee. She said yes so there's not much that can really get to me now. I feel kinda weird. Like I've grown up all the sudden but it's ok because I know this is the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. She is truly a wonderful and amazing creature and I can only wonder how I've made it this far without her but I'm happy knowing I won't have to go any longer alone. We have our whole lives ahead of us and I'm looking forward that more than anything.

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