Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Pics of a Dump

There's a buzz around the usual sites (digg and boingboing) about a photographer who got burned by a NY city camera store when he tried to purchase a camera from them online. For those of you who haven't heard about this look here.

Now that you're up to speed: I went digging around Pricegrabber's user comment section after I read in the original post that the listings for were removed. I ran across a posting from a disgruntled victim here.

He gave a link to a site that has photographs of almost all of the camera stores in Brooklyn, including The photograph site is here. The pics of are here.

Geez. What a dump.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

XBOX 360

Say what you want about the system itself I've really been impressed
with the quality of the ads that have been airing on tv. Here's a link
to one that won't be on tv b/c of its somewhat controversial nature.
This is really cool.

Stand Off

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Monday, November 21, 2005


For anyone who doesn't know: I've been working on a chatbot for Midlands Tech to use as a sort of "after hours" reference librarian. It should go live soon but in the meantime here's a chatbot modeled after an android from one of my favorite movies.


To those keeping score at home: I have now changed the Semantic web news ticker on the sidebar to a listing of my bookmarkings and diggings. I wasn't really happy with the quality of the links going through there and I think this is more interesting anyway. On a happy note (for those of you who might understand this): I installed the Greenstone digital library software this morning on my Linux laptop with very little difficulty. I am a happy camper :-) .

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Working working working

Down to the big crunch. Last few projects due. Finally this semester will be over soon. And then I can indulge in my own interests. Now if I could only remember what those are...

Before I head back to the...well I guess I'm not going anywhere except to another screen to enter MySQL, before I do that I'm headed to Dunkin' Doughnuts for a double shot o' esspresso so I am going somewhere. Anyway, the point is here's a cartoon that is funny. Laugh at my pain.

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Monday, November 07, 2005

"I think I just logged on my internet."

I'm just like Homer!
I'm Homer, who are you? by

Where would we be today without internet quizes? It would be a sad and joyless place.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Halloween 2005

Flickr Photo

Got some pics from Soumitra from the Halloween party. Lots of fun was had, silly costumes were worn. Follow the link for the pics.

Halloween Madness

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

When will they learn?

Boing Boing: Hollywood after the Analog Hole again

I had to take a quick break from my studies to post this to anyone (what, all 2 or 3 of you?) who might see this. One of my big pet peeves/fears is DRM in any of its many annoying and pointless forms. After the broadcast flag got shot down once and then again Hollywood still doesn't get it.

I might just put an EFF feed on this blog in the near future. While I don't agree with everything they do or say (and some of it smacks of fear mongering) they are at the very least aware of what's going on and willing to take a stand.